using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; /// <summary> /// 显示伤害数字文本框 /// </summary> public class UIHurtText : MonoBehaviour { //各缓动延迟执行时间 public float tweenPositionDelay = 0; public float tweenScaleDelay = 0; public float tweenAlphaDelay = 0; [Tooltip("上飘高度")] public float upHeight = 3.5f; private RectTransform rectTransform; private UITweenPosition tweenPosition; private UITweenScale tweenScale; private UITweenAlpha tweenAlpha; private Text text; private void Awake() { rectTransform = this.GetComponent<RectTransform>(); tweenPosition = this.GetComponent<UITweenPosition>(); tweenScale = this.GetComponent<UITweenScale>(); tweenAlpha = this.GetComponent<UITweenAlpha>(); tweenPosition.delayTime = tweenPositionDelay; tweenScale.delayTime = tweenScaleDelay; tweenAlpha.delayTime = tweenAlphaDelay; text = this.GetComponent<Text>(); } public Vector2 anchoredPosition { set { rectTransform.anchoredPosition = value; } } // 播放伤害飘字 public void Play(string s, Vector3 worldPosition) { gameObject.SetActive(true); text.text = s; //视口坐标,左下角(0,0), 右上角(1,1) //屏幕坐标,左下角(0,0), 右上角(Screen.width, Screen.height) //Vector3 viewportPosition = Camera.main.WorldToViewportPoint(worldPosition); //Vector3 screenPosition = Camera.main.ViewportToScreenPoint(viewportPosition); Vector3 screenPosition = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(worldPosition); Vector3 screenPositionTo = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(worldPosition + new Vector3(0, upHeight, 0)); //Canvas的(0,0)坐标在屏幕中心 screenPosition.x -= Screen.width / 2; screenPosition.y -= Screen.height / 2; screenPositionTo.x -= Screen.width / 2; screenPositionTo.y -= Screen.height / 2; tweenPosition.from = screenPosition; tweenPosition.to = screenPositionTo; tweenPosition.Reset(); tweenScale.Reset(); tweenAlpha.Reset(); tweenPosition.Play(); tweenScale.Play(); tweenAlpha.Play(); } // Alpha缓动完成回调 public void OnTweenAlphaCompleted() { UIHurtTextManager.Instance.Release(this); //回收 } }
using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; /// <summary> /// 伤害文本提示 /// </summary> public class UIHurtTextTips : MonoBehaviour { public static UIHurtTextManager Instance { get; private set; } public UIHurtText templet; [SerializeField] private Transform textParent; private UIHeadTextPool pool; void Awake() { Instance = this; } void Start() { pool = new UIHeadTextPool(); pool.parent = textParent; pool.templet = templet; templet.gameObject.SetActive(false); } // 显示伤害数值 public void ShowHurtNumber(int num, Vector3 worldPosition) { ShowHurtText(string.Format("-{0}", num), worldPosition); } // 显示伤害文本 public void ShowHurtText(string s, Vector3 worldPosition) { UIHurtText hurtText = pool.Get(); hurtText.Play(s, worldPosition); } // 回收 public void Release(UIHurtText element) { pool.Release(element); } // 文本对象池 private class UIHeadTextPool { private readonly Stack<UIHurtText> m_Stack = new Stack<UIHurtText>(); public int countAll { get; private set; } public Transform parent; public UIHurtText templet; public UIHurtText Get() { UIHurtText element; if (m_Stack.Count == 0) { element = GameObject.Instantiate(templet); element.transform.SetParent(parent); countAll++; } else { element = m_Stack.Pop(); } return element; } public void Release(UIHurtText element) { if (m_Stack.Count > 0 && ReferenceEquals(m_Stack.Peek(), element)) Debug.LogError("Internal error. Trying to destroy object that is already released to pool."); m_Stack.Push(element); element.gameObject.SetActive(false); } } }
int hurt = Random.Range(100, 100000);
UIHurtTextManager.Instance.ShowHurtNumber(hurt, transform.position);