#pragma once extern int roll_count; //引用式声明 int roll_n_dice(int dice, int sides);
/* 引入标准头文件用<>,引入本地头文件用"" */ #include "diceroll.h" #include <stdio.h> /* 提供库函数rand()的原型 */ #include <stdlib.h> int roll_count = 0; /* 定义式声明,外部链接 */ /* 该函数属于该文件私有 */ static int rollem(int sides) { int roll; roll = rand() % sides + 1; ++roll_count; /* 计算函数调用次数 */ } int roll_n_dice(int dice, int sides) { int d; int total = 0; if (sides < 2) { printf("Need at least 2 sides.\n"); return -2; } if (dice < 1) { printf("Need at least 1 die.\n"); return -1; } for (d = 0; d < dice; d++) total += rollem(sides); return total; }
//Visual Studio中加上这句才可以使用scanf() //否则只能使用scanf_s() #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> //malloc()、free() #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> #include "diceroll.h" //argc: 参数个数 argv[]: 参数数组 //int main(int argc, char **argv) int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int dice, roll; int sides; int status; srand((unsigned int) time(0)); /* 随机种子 */ printf("Enter the number of sides per die, 0 to stop.\n"); while (scanf("%d", &sides) == 1 && sides > 0) { printf("How many dice?\n"); if ((status = scanf("%d", &dice)) != 1) { if (status == EOF) break; /* 退出循环 */ else { printf("You should have entered an integer."); printf(" Let's begin again.\n"); while (getchar() != '\n') continue; /* 处理错误的输入 */ printf("How many sides? Enter 0 to stop.\n"); continue; } } roll = roll_n_dice(dice, sides); printf("You have rolled a %d using %d %d-sided dice.\n", roll, dice, sides); printf("How many sides? Enter 0 to stop.\n"); } printf("The rollem() function was called %d times.\n", roll_count); /* 使用外部变量 */ printf("GOOD FORTUNE TO YOU!\n"); system("pause"); return 0; }