
作者:追风剑情 发布于:2017-12-9 18:36 分类:Python


# -*- coding: cp936 -*-
import string
from string import digits,letters,lowercase,printable,punctuation,uppercase
print '字符串常量'
print digits #包含数字0~9的字符串
print letters #包含所有字母(大写或小写)的字符串
print lowercase #包含所有小写字母的字符串
print printable #包含所有可打印字符的字符串
print punctuation #包含所有标点的字符串
print uppercase #包含所有大写字母的字符串

print '字符串方法'
print 'find方法'
print 'With a moo-moo here, and a moo-moo there'.find('moo')
title = "Monty Python's Flying Circus"
print title.find('Monty') #返回字符串最左边索引
print title.find('Python1') #没找到,返回-1
subject = '$$$ Get rich now!!! $$$'
print subject.find('$$$')
print subject.find('$$$', 1) #第2个参数为开始搜索的起始索引
print subject.find('!!!', 0, 16) #提供起始点和结束点

print 'join方法'
seq = ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5']
sep = '+'
print sep.join(seq)
dirs = '', 'usr', 'bin', 'env'
print '/'.join(dirs)
print 'C:' + '\\'.join(dirs)

print 'lower方法'
print 'Trondheim Hammer Dance'.lower()

print 'title方法'
print "that's all folks".title()
print string.capwords("that's all folks")

print 'replace方法'
print 'This is a test'.replace('is', 'eez')

print 'split方法'
print '1+2+3+4+5'.split('+')
print '/usr/bin/env'.split('/')
print 'Using the default'.split() #用默认分隔符(空格、制表、换行等)

print 'strip方法'
print '      internal whitespace is kept   '.strip()
print '*** SPAM * for * everyone!!! ***'.strip(' *!')

print 'maketrans方法'
table = string.maketrans('cs', 'kz')
print 'this is an incredible test'.translate(table)
print 'this is an incredible test'.translate(table, 'it') #第2个参数指定想要删除的字符
print u'Unicode字符串'.upper()#字符串前面加u代表Unicode



标签: Python

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